Emportanc in the life of justice and fairness
Adal is an Arabic word.
Which literally means to equate.
Taking the middle path in two situations. In the term, the meaning of justice is very broad that it should be divided into two parts in such a way that there is no reduction in both.
Keeping something in its right place, that is, do not let the balance of truth in one side, do the same thing and say the same thing that meets the criteria of truth.
Also be fair deal with every person he deserves. There is "oppression" compared to justice, to keep something unresolved. Justice with a tyrant "is to rid him of oppression.
Islam is the only religion that has set up a code of life that can be followed by man to achieve the true pleasures of life.
in this case Islam has emphasized the most "adl The fact is that the first cause of all the anxiety and disorder of society is deviation from "justice". A breakdown in society arises when its individuals leave "justice".
Islam has guided all aspects of justice, whether it is collective or individual, economic or social, legal, political. Justice is the guarantee of the better system of society, the islamic social life also requires that justice and justice be promoted among the people and in every field of life.
In the society, the protection of human rights is very important for the survival of human life, which is not possible without the provision of justice and justice.
Real justice and justice is possible only when the rich and poor distinction and thinking are completely eliminated.
Islam has provided "justice system" to protect the rights The concept of "" justice" "which Islam has presented is still basic and the rules and conditions which have been presented are still the torch path for the people of the world and by following them the miserable humanity can be saved from the present suffering. In the economy, the whole society is prosperous.
In society, no person is deprived of basic needs. Equity makes balance in all spheres of life. Allah almighty said about justice in the quran Indeed, Allah commands and forbids the giving of justice and goodness and relatives.
Allah almighty has ordered justice to do justice to the muslims with their rights with justice.
Here, justice refers to things where there is a dire need for justice, such as in domestic matters, for example in children, order to maintain justice among more than one wife. In educational institutions, for example, students who are equally educated in students get the same priority as weak students, in contrast, perhaps weak students and feelings can be inferior.
In the company, office, etc., the practice of justice should be maintained with employees so that they should pay attention to their work with their heart and dedication.
Therefore, we should take the path of justice in all matters. Allah almighty grant us the opportunity to work with justice.